Development of the Internal Audit Department

Development of the Internal Audit Department
Aug 16, 2022

Development of the Internal Audit Department

Tender Type Limited
Tender Reference Number LT-03-2022
Terms and Specifications Brochure Download the electronic copy
Tender Documents Cost Free of charge
Submission Method One envelope (technical and financial)
Tender Starting Date 16/08/2022
Deadline For Receiving Offers Date: 31/08/2022
Time: 12:30 PM
❖The Deadline has been extended
Date: 14/09/2022
Time: 12:30 PM
Bids Opening Date and Time Date: 31/08/2022
Time: 01:00 PM
❖The Date has been extended
Date: 14/09/2022
Time: 01:00 PM
Bids Opening Location Prince Sultan Studies and Research Center main building
Al-Yasmeen Dist. – Anas Ibn Malik Road
For Inquiries
3075 Anas Ibn Malik Road – Al Yasmeen District, Riyadh 8261-13322,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966114638080
Fax: +966114638090


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